I grew up in Canada and my family is similar to one of the ones you marveled at on TV or in the movies. Not the one where you thought, wow, they're so relaxed, polite and civil. Nope, I grew up with a self starter for a father who had a larger than life persona. He also had a post 1929 recession era mindset, so his driver was financial stability at any cost. My mother is the oldest of 10 kids and she was born in Morocco. Her mindset was community, food, enjoyment and joi de vie. Blend this up and add a few ingredients and that's what shaped me.
I am all about story, as it's a blueprint to how we operate. I took the environment I grew up in and ran without fear when it came to certain aspects of my life, again, only certain aspects. I was never afraid to go to work and door knock, as I began selling newspapers at 10 years old. At 14, I began to knock on doors for my fathers company. At 23 I got my real estate license and guess what, I began to knock on doors. But, I was afraid of "commitment, so I never took work or my life too seriously. Commitment was a word that scared the daylights out of me. I had a successful real estate career in Canada before I got married to my wife in San Diego because I had no fear around prospecting or follow-up. The one thing that stopped me from being a superstar was my story. I didn't look at who I was, I looked at who I wasn't. That type of self deprecating thought process, as well as lack of direction, confidence in other areas and living without mentors or accountability had me spiraling in inconsistency.
Fast forward to where I'm at today. I have a beautiful wife and family. I rebuilt a successful career in San Diego as a top performing real estate agent. I coach agents individually, I lead Breakthrough Mornings, I teach at the local real estate board as a regular educator and am focused on how I want to work with time so I can incorporate what's meaningful to me without remorse or regret. Did this happen overnight? No way! Did this happen the first time I attempted to change the course of my life? No way! Our journey at BTM is all about being honest and vulnerable and then facing the stories that have held us back from living the type of life we truly wish to live. Life without that pit in my stomach is so much brighter because I learned how to let go of what needed to go. Do you think I replaced that with what I wanted more of in my life? Yup! I can't wait for you to come and explore with us so we can help you achieve your breakthrough.